Saturday, January 22, 2011

First week of a new regeim

So first week of workouts is done!  I wasn’t able to work out every day; however I did get to the gym a couple of times and went to yoga three times this week!  This week was exhausting and frustrating but I am glad that I have made a new dedication to making myself happy on the outside as I am on the inside.  This week made me realize, I am busy and that I need to communicate this more so that I can get the support and understanding from the same people who I support, so that I can continue to do what I am doing and find the balance.  Really I know that I will have to constantly challenge myself and that the first few days or even weeks might mean that I have to make adjustments, however the payoff is worth it! 

How do you challenge yourself?  Where do you get your support from?  How do you find balance to a busy, day, week, month or just in general life?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yoga.....jury is still out

So in the midst of tying to keep on the path of eating right and fitting in workouts into my already busy schedule a friend and I decided to add Yoga to our workouts to keep us motivated in our journey's to our better feeling and looking selves.  Now I have not been the greatest fan of it as I am unable to clear my mind and truly focus on the task at hand, mainly due to the fact that there is sooo much going on in my mind that I have to keep up with.  Between what I need to do for work, school, home and then maintain some semblance of a social life when these essential activities in my life can be shufled around to fit this in I wonder if I can devote hours, months, and years to this journey why not 60 minutes dedicated to really giving this yoga a real chance?

I know I won't be some great kind of yogi, however being able to be flexible while detoxifying my body, quieting my mind and 'giving positive energy to my spirit' (as per my instructor from last nights class)....I'll keep you posted as to my progress on this.

What are your thoughts on yoga?  Is there a specific kind/practice you enjoy or not enjoy?  Do you prefer pilates or thai chi over yoga?  Where is your favourite studio to take classes at?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pain is good...

So I did my first hot hatha yoga session on Saturday with my friend Nat!  I have to say I have never sweated like I did in that class, it was great, detoxifying and made me realize that I am not that flexible.  It made me realize that I need this challenge to get to that point of being able to go through a class like this and not be panting like I just ran five miles instead of doing a series of 10 up-ward dog, downward dog movements. 

Now that I have done my week of last suppers I am ready to get onto the train of hard work and pain are good things towards a better me!  Being able to make this change is not going to be easy but it is nice to know that I can share my journey with other friends who are on a very similar path of evolving into a better, healthier women!  So I have resovled to get to running before I get to work, so I must go pack my bag and lunch before I get some z's

Have you stuck with your new resolve/resolution for 2011?  If so how is it going?  If not, what has set you back and will get back on to the 'wagon'?  What else have you added to your workout routine/schedule?

Friday, January 14, 2011

The week of last suppers....

So this is my last week of enjoying all that is extremely bad for me but tastes ohhh sooo good till I get back on the band wagon of ensuring I meet my daily nutritional requirements in a very health conscious way.  I have to say I am comfortable with who I am as a person but not with the outside which encases it.  Look good and feel better is one of the motivations as well as doing a Biggest Loser challenge with my colleagues at work.  I am hoping that with a bit of ‘dosh’ at stake that it will help keep the competitive side of me motivated to keep me on the path of shedding the extra pounds. 

So my final supper will be one consisting of my favourite bar food; Chicken wings (spicy tasty sauced things) with a pint of beer!  Yes my former personal trainer has on many occasions pointed out that this bad dish is chocked full of the caloric intake of ....well I dare not say other than it is a guilty pleasure I will indulge in to kill a craving and kick start a new resolve.   Wish me luck!!!!!

What is your favourite guilty indulgence?  Would you do a Biggest Loser Challenge and if so how much would you wager?  A pound a week, two pounds a week with a $5 or $10 weekly buy in?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Technology...can you live without it?

Technology, we consume it like its water and then rely heavily on it sometimes much like addicts!  I say this because last night after I got home from my commute from class to come home, study and do a little be of catch up on my work from my day job my technology malfunctioned big time.  This left me feeling stressed, cranky and overall very unhappy. 

My desktop would start but freeze, my laptop would turn on but the screen was black.  I had essentially spent the time I had dedicated to being productive to trying to trouble shoot by myself and then with technical support.  I went to bed feeling defeated, and with the feeling that I had lost control of the things I felt I needed most to do the tasks which I had intended to do.  In my various states of frustration, I realized that really I could still do most of what I wanted to do last night, I should have just shifted gears and accepted that there was a problem but it couldn’t’ be fixed at that moment.  I realized I was fighting the inevitable and trying to win by trying to ‘fix’ my technical issues myself.  Now that I am writing this I know that there is a temporary solution to my problems and that in the meantime while these issues are being fixed I will make a bad situation into an opportunity!

Do not get me wrong here, I still require my technology (laptop, smart phones (yes plural), camera) however I do not need it all the time, the world will still go on and so will!  I am not going to go all crazy and do a techno-restricted fast, however I will do my best to unplug a bit more and do some things the old fashion way!  When I get my technical issues resolved I will hopefully try to keep this resolve moving forward!

How has technology affected your life?  Are you a junkie or recreational user?  What is your favourite gadget? What piece of technology could you live without for short period of time?  Have you ever done a technology fast where you unplug from everything (no cell, computre, smart phone etc)?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We are all busy but....

So with my busy schedule of going to school and working a full-time job I decided to join my colleagues in doing a Biggest Loser challenge.  I think it is a great idea to work as a group (even though competitively) towards making ourselves healthier as well as making some life style changes to a better us.  I do not know how I am going to fit it in, however that is not the point my point is that I will fit it in and it got me thinking about aside from my making myself into a better me, why not try to give back a little more this year?  I may not have the time in the world, and I definitely am not rich but I thought about donating blood, and the gently used clothing I do not use or cannot wear anymore. So this is a start, and I hope to continue to add to this list of items!  Either way I will keep you posted :)

Have you planned to give back this year?  If so how?  If not what would make you want to give back and where would you want to donate your time, self, or resources to?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year, new beginning; much like a pheonix we are reborn with newness

So 2010 came and went faster than I ever had anticipated, even though it was fast alot still happened and alot was learnt.  I realized that I had let everyone else control my happiness instead of me mastering control of it.  I learnt that I am stronger than I thought I was and that no matter what as stubborn as I am that word can be made into its better synonym, DETERMINED. 

I am determined to:  
  • Let none else control my happiness
  • Carve my own path
  • Push myself as much as I can
  • Leave the excuse of  I do not have the time to make myself feel and look better
  • Give more to those in need
  • Take care of my physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual health
  • Take time to truly update my posts; which I have neglected

In short, do what make ME(EM) feel happy.  :)

It is not that I am trying to be selfish, this is not going to be a simple journey, I am far from perfect, however I know  at times I will but it is a triumph when I fall, I get back up and continue on!  I will peel back layers of myself and be proud of them as they have helped me become the person I am today and will be tomorrow.  The evolution of ME(EM) is ever changing and the change is the only constant thing!  Like the phoenix rising from the ash, I am reborn to experience new and great things

So with that ladies and gentlemen feel free to follow, and comment where you deem appropriate!

All the best for you in 2011 and I hope that you wish the same of me! 
 -raise your glass to CHANGE!