Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Joy of a New Year

I know some people have traditions and superstitions on how to usher in and start a New Year.  For some its who they kiss when the clock strikes twelve.  For others it’s what they do (or not do), eat or give to others on the first day of the year.  Regardless New Year’s is something which is steeped in tradition in old, new and revamped customs. 

What I chose to do this year was a mixture of both new and old; I think it worked for how I wanted to celebrate in bringing in 2012.  It made me realize that as much as I respect all things steeped in tradition, that I have my own to cultivate and cement.  Much like what is and isn’t acceptable in my life, the rules for being an adult are ones which are subjective (save what is deemed legal and illegal by the law) and I prefer it this way.

I have been enjoying the promise of what this year will hopefully hold, one full of adventure, success, excitement which I hope will work out to make positive memories.  Although I will not make any resolutions what I will do is hope to become a better person as I move forward in my life and away from all that doesn’t work and is negative.  I know I won’t please everyone, but for those who matter won’t care and those who care won’t matter!

I will end this brief post in saying this, I am a woman who strives to be successful with authenticity and integrity, and although I will strive I will more than likely stumble along the way.  Those stumbles will make me a better person (I hope) and ultimately I aspire to at the very least, learn some things during my journey.  For those who are intimidated, angry or resentful or what I am striving to do, I will say this:  I make no apologies for where I am going in my life and how I am getting there.  Much like self-esteem, it is esteem of yourself and if you are resentful of mine then you need to take a really hard look at yourself and work on you….that is all.

So for those who take the time to read my thoughts, I truly thank you and value you.  I want to wish all a successful 2012 and I encourage you to get what you want in a classy, authentic and respectful way as it will come back to you in spades!