Monday, February 20, 2012


What I most enjoy about being me is that I know who I am now more than ever.  I find that being in my 30’s it is like the ‘true’ north in the cardinal points of my life.  Although I have not had an easy one (life) what I continue to do is learn as well as grow from my experiences.  With growth is it is one which is usually fraught with feeling uncomfortable, as well as awkward and frustrating beyond belief.  However it is also one which is exhilarating, ground-breaking (if you let it) and game changing (take it how you want to) and something which, in the right moment will resolve itself to a beautiful experience, at least I hope for myself. 

Over the last stretch of time since my last post, it is safe to say I am in the midst of growth, I am learning that people are human and with that will ultimately disappoint you.  It is sad but true and all you can do is to hope to discuss how it disappointed you and what you can try to do should another time like this arises.  It is also interesting in that some people in spite of what you think is a great relationship, will step on you to get what they think they want.  This I call, ambitious to the point of recklessness, and it is something which is not admirable and far from respectable. However they deemed it necessary to do so and with those actions have its own set of consequences, ones which I believe karma will deal with in its own sweet time. 

What I do know is this, I will continue to be true to who I am and do my best to learn as much as I can from all that I have and will experience.  The moment I stop learning is a moment where I hope will be the end of my days and not halfway through my life.  I hope to create relationships which leave indelible marks on me as well as the people I cultivate these bonds with.  For those who have done things in spite, out of fear as well as just pure meanness I hope they know that they will face the consequences of their own actions and that I have nothing to do with those consequences, ultimately I wish them happiness but not at the expense of mine. 

Growth, it can be one of which you make of it and I intend to make the most of mine whenever it happens!

This quote is what inspired me to post this:  Legend remains victorious in spite of history. - Sarah Bernhardt

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